The Amenities Committee undertakes projects to enhance the local environment and to support and promote local services. The work of the Committee involves:

  • Care of 5 noticeboards, several seats and benches around the Parish and two bus shelters.
  • Care of the War Memorial, a Grade II Listed Monument.
  • Two part time litter wardens working to keep the main roads clean and tidy.
  • The Parish Street Map.
  • Finchampstead allotments.
  • Floral displays for the California crossroads area.

The members of the Amenities Committee are:

Cllr Sylvia McDonald (Chair)
Cllr Steve Bowers (Vice Chair)
Cllr Eric Allen
Cllr George Evans
Cllr Pauline Grainger
Cllr Sally Gurney
Cllr Gordon Veitch

Contact details for all Parish Councillors can be found by clicking here.

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