The future of the ‘War Memorial junction’

The relocation of the Memorial has opened up opportunities for improvements to the unpopular junction and we are currently in discussion with the Borough Council, the Highway Authority, to move this forward.  We did ask the Borough Council to look at the junction a couple of years ago to see if any meaningful improvement could be made with the Memorial in situ, and a few options were drawn up.  However, the view of the professionals, which we as a Parish Council shared, was that none of the options made a significant difference to the junction.  Some in fact put the Memorial itself at greater potential risk, and none could overcome the issue of safety for people wanting to visit the Memorial either for individual visits or for Remembrance.

The professional highway engineers will survey the junction, consider all options and will come up with appropriate design proposals. Any plans will of course be shared with Parish residents, but there is unlikely to be any consultation on this as, with all due respect to our residents, neither they nor we at the Parish Council are experts in highway design matters.  The timescale and funding for this work and any actual improvements to the junction is yet to be confirmed, but we will continue to do all that we can to move this forward.

Our October 2022 newsletter includes an update on the current position.

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