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Mix your glass at bottle banks

All of the borough’s glass banks in Wokingham Borough now accept all coloured glass bottles and jars. You no longer need to separate the different colours.

The bottles and jars are sent to a recycling facility that sorts them and recycles them. The recycled glass material is then transformed into a high-quality finished product for the food, beverage and pharmaceuticals industries, achieving the same results as when supplied with pre-sorted colour glass material.

You can now recycle your empties quickly and easily without having to sort them into colour. When visiting your local glass recycling bank don’t worry if one is full – place all your jars and glass in any available banks to avoid unnecessary overflow.

From April 2020 to March 2021, the 567 glass bottle banks in the re3 area were emptied 20,923 times and contained a whopping 10,374 tonnes of glass, representing an increase of 38% on the previous year. This equates to approximately 20 million wine bottles.

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